For More Motivation to Do the Right Thing, Read On…
For More Motivation to Do the Right Thing, Read On…

For More Motivation to Do the Right Thing, Read On…

We strive to behave ethically at Equilibrium Marketing Solutions, but we’re a little too practical to say, “…just because it’s the right thing to do.” That’s certainly important, but there are other, more tangible reasons to keep dealings above-board.

For instance, Equilibrium Marketing Solutions’ business consultants have great respect and admiration for many ethical people, and would like to think they respect and admire us as well. We fear that they would lose those good feelings toward us if they ever found out we had behaved unethically.

Along the same lines, it’s difficult to maintain a dishonest lifestyle. The wise Mark Twain once said, “If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything,” and the opposite is true as well. When you lie, you must remember all your lies so you don’t get caught in them. This seems unnecessarily challenging and stressful.

Perhaps most important of all is our Equilibrium Marketing Solutions belief in a time-honoured truth that what goes around comes around. In other words, intentional wrongdoing has a way of coming back to haunt the doer. Even if we don’t get caught behaving unethically, we’ll have to live with the knowledge that we’re not honest people, and that’s a higher price than we’re willing to pay.

If you enjoy falling asleep at night with a clean conscience as well, join our conversation on ethics at