Equilibrium Marketing Solutions on Event Networking
Executives at Equilibrium Marketing Solutions urge our people to always focus on building their professional networks. This circle of business acquaintances will serve them throughout their careers. It will be a source of information, client leads, and much more.
You’ll make new contacts just about any time you step away from your desk. The richest hunting grounds are networking functions at industry events, which are intended for just this purpose. These events can be daunting to the uninitiated, however, so Equilibrium Marketing Solutions’ leaders suggest putting some thought into your strategy for event-based network building.
This groundwork is important. Just a little research online or leafing through event programs can give you a good idea of who will be in attendance. Do this work and find a few people with whom you’d like to make contact. Then make an effort to reach out to those people and others that you run across.
Once you’ve made contact, networking experts at Equilibrium Marketing Solutions say the next step is keeping the conversation going long enough to build the beginnings of an ongoing relationship. This is likely to rely more upon listening than talking. By paying attention to the person with whom you’re speaking, you will learn about them and their needs and how you can contribute to the future connection. Discover something you can offer, suggest it, and follow through on your promise.