Another Big Promotion to Celebrate!
An ownership promotion is always a big deal around the Equilibrium Marketing Solutions office, which is why there’s so much excitement right now. Michael C. is the latest to advance to a new role, as he’ll be opening Aqua Marketing in the near future. We know he’ll do great things in his new leadership role, and we can’t wait to watch his progress!
There are many reasons Michael was an ideal choice to run his own office. His knack for asking the right questions is at the top of this list, as he’s always sought advice from people at all career levels. Michael understands the value of different perspectives. He’s also very good at applying the feedback he receives to improve his own methods.
Michael will thrive as a leader because he’s accountable to more than just his personal objectives. While he’s as driven as anyone when it comes to ambitious goals, he’s just as committed to helping others reach their own targets. This is the selfless attitude we’ve come to know from Michael at Equilibrium Marketing Solutions HQ. As he moves on to lead his team, there’s no doubt that this special type of dedication will prove helpful.
We’re so happy for Michael and excited to watch his ongoing success from afar. Like Equilibrium Marketing Solutions on Facebook for more updates on our top performers.