Use Equilibrium Marketing Solutions’ Résumé Tips
Use Equilibrium Marketing Solutions’ Résumé Tips

Use Equilibrium Marketing Solutions’ Résumé Tips

A résumé may not seem like anything exciting, but we at Equilibrium Marketing Solutions hope you never underestimate the power of yours. The ability to succinctly outline your best attributes on one page will get you far in your career. After all, it’s the tool that gets you noticed as a candidate for a professional opportunity. Without it, you don’t have a chance to prove yourself in an interview.

With that in mind, here are some résumé-writing tips from our Equilibrium Marketing Solutions hiring managers:

• Customize It: Your CV should be specifically tailored to each position for which you apply. Look at each job description to determine which experiences and qualifications are most relevant, and highlight them in your résumé. For good measure, do the same with your cover letter. There’s no need to include details that won’t hold much weight in an interview.

• Include Keywords: Take note of the language used in the job posting, and incorporate similar keywords into your CV. This way, you ensure that your information makes it through vetting software and into the hands of an actual person.

• Be Specific: Hiring managers want to know exactly what their getting. Where possible, include statistics and other hard data to support your claims and highlight your past accomplishments.

With these strategies from Equilibrium Marketing Solutions, you’ll get one step closer to the job you want!