How Equilibrium Marketing Solutions Team Networks
How Equilibrium Marketing Solutions Team Networks

How Equilibrium Marketing Solutions Team Networks

We teach new team members at Equilibrium Marketing Solutions many skills, one of which is the value of networking. We also encourage them to go out and grow their business networks because we know that when starting from scratch, it’s a good idea to get started soon. We help them attend community events to meet local leaders as well as national industry conferences to meet others who work in our line of business.

The best business contacts are those where real friendship is formed. While an initial meeting might take place at a formal networking event over cocktails, the value is built later in email chats, coffee and lunch dates, and by providing help when and where you can. View your network as your friends or mentors who have interests outside of business, and bond over a love of skiing or daily dog walks. We encourage Equilibrium Marketing Solutions team members to focus on being genuine with each connection they make.

Over time, your network will grow and you’ll develop confidence in meeting new people and nurturing new relationships. The investment in time and energy will pay off down the road. While a new team member at Equilibrium Marketing Solutions may be too overwhelmed learning their role and responsibilities to focus on networking, we still encourage them to step out and start so the base is laid when they are ready.