Why Equilibrium Marketing Solutions Likes Handbooks
Does your firm have an employee handbook? If not, our Equilibrium Marketing Solutions experts advise that you create this important document soon. Here are just a few of the reasons why you should do so:
• Communicate Expectations: This is probably the most vital reason to have a formal employee handbook, according to our Equilibrium Marketing Solutions pros. When you have a clear, consistent policy established, it benefits the entire team. You can clarify everything. Include all company rules and industry regulations. Some handbooks spell out details such as how reviews are conducted. Others share how recognition is offered.
• Create a Desired Image and Culture: Your handbook can be used to set the tone for your company’s culture and brand. Our Equilibrium Marketing Solutions team suggests that citing your company’s values and guiding principles in writing helps your team understand how the office works. This is good for employee retention and recruitment.
• Maintain Peace in the Workplace: The ultimate answer in any business arbitration is the written word. When you have your policies, procedures, and rules in writing, it’s far more difficult to deny or dispute that they exist. This helps team members feel secure in following the culture. If someone does not follow rules, you have a source by which to point out that they were aware of what was expected. Be sure each person signs that they have read it.
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