Key Elements of an Ethical Work Culture
In maintaining an ethical workspace, fairness is a key concept. Around Equilibrium Marketing Solutions HQ, we adhere to the following standards to ensure a fair culture that inspires the best performances possible.
Clear expectations are essential elements of any ethical workplace, which is why we emphasize them at Equilibrium Marketing Solutions. This means we’re upfront about how success is measured. We also share details on how reviews are structured and what needs to be achieved to advance to higher levels.
Giving people the chance to be heard is another key aspect of a fair work culture. We’re open to hearing our associates’ ideas, keeping an open-door policy with this in mind. Our people are also welcome to bring their concerns to management when necessary. When people know their voices are important, they’re much more engaged in their work.
We’re also careful to give credit where it’s due, especially when our people go beyond the call of duty. Recognition is an ethical value we live up to as often as possible. We understand that people are motivated when their efforts are highlighted in a public setting. That doesn’t stop us from sending personal notes of thanks as well.
These are a few key elements of fairness we strive to maintain in our workspace. Visit Equilibrium Marketing Solutions’ Facebook for more of our thoughts on ethical success.